2000 — English

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Home Program 2000



Chamber music master class with Christian Ivaldi et Diana Ligeti

from 12th to 23rd April 2000


Voice master class with Anna Reynolds

from 26th April to 7th May 2000


String Quartet master class with the Ysaÿe Quartet

from 10th to 21st May 2000


Piano masrter class with Emile Naoumoff

from 7th to 18th June 2000


Voice master class with Friedrich Gürtler

from 21st June to 2nd July 2000


Flute master class with Emmanuel Pahud

from 5th to 16th July 2000


Piano master class with Marie-Josèphe Jude et Jean-François Heisser

from 19th to 30th July 2000


Chamber music master class with Trio de Prague

from 17th to 26th August 2000


Flute and harp master class with Christian Lardé et Marie-Claire Jamet

from 30th August to 10th September 2000


Harpsichord masrter class with Huguette Dreyfus

from 13th to 24th September 2000


Violin master class with Igor Ozim

from 27th September to 8th October 2000