Harpsichord master class with Ilton Wjuniski and Reinhard von Nagel
from April 9th to 19th 1997
Voice master class with Vera Rózsa-Nordell
from July 2nd to 12th 1997
Chamber music master class with Bruno Schneider
from July 16th to 26th 1997
Violin master class with Jean-Pierre Wallez
from August 6th to 16th 1997
Voice master class with Anna Reynolds
from August 20th to 30th 1997
Piano master class with Claude Helffer
From September 3rd to 13th 1997
Piano trio with the Prague Trio
From September 17th to 27th 1997
Flute and harp master class with Christian Lardé and Marie-Claire Jamet
From October 1st to 11th 1997